Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Self Introduction

"So you want to hear a story?"

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Oisín Hanna, I was born on the 11th of November 2000. I moved to Canada when I was 5. I ended up living there for two years. While I lived in Canada I went to two different primary schools after moving a number of times. Unfortunately I had to move back to Ireland after my parents visas expired and wouldn't get renewed. After coming back to Ireland I ended up going to another two primary schools after having to move a whole lot more. Now I try to go back to Canada once every year and it's been work so far for the past 6 years. Eventually I hope to be able to save up enough to move back to Canada permanently. When I finally have enough to move to Canada I want to train to become a commercial pilot and travel the world. I have to dogs both are shih tzus their names are Gizmo and Shadow. Gizmo was born on the exact same day that we landed in Ireland on the 1st of February 2008, he got his name because when he was a puppy he looked like Gizmo the mogwai from Gremlins. Shadow ended up getting her name simply because of the habit that she quickly made of following Gizmo everywhere he went.

Gizmo (foreground) and Shadow (background) being stared at by a stuffed alpaca teddy bear.

In my spare time I like to play video games. I'm primarily a console gamer which means that most of the games I play are on the likes of the PlayStation or Xbox. The preferred genre of games that I play are shooters and hack and slash games such as Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed. My personal favorite shooter is hands down Halo Reach, with Borderlands being a close second, because you can customize your entire character how you want while the story shows a different side of the franchise. While Halo is my favorite shooter my favorite hack and slash is a toss up between Dark Souls III and Bloodborne, both of which are made by the same company Fromsoftware, I love these games because of the unique challenge that the games create were no one player will have the same experience from one boss fight to another. I did end up making a review of Dark Souls III you can see here.

Music wise I don't really have a favorite type of music, I'm the type to just like songs regardless of genre. When it comes to songs however while I do generally have a favorite song it's always subject to change as of writing up this post one of my favorite songs would probably have to be Lions Inside by Valley of Wolves.

I am currently a student in Technological University Dublin Blanchardstown campus. I am studying a Creative Digital Media course will (hopefully) last a total of 4 years. As of posting this I am in my second year of college. Last year I feel as though the best class for me was Web Development as at the beginning of last year i had no clue about HTML or CSS and by the end of it I felt relatively comfortable with the basics. The biggest accomplishment for me last year probably has to be making a basic web site as it let me use the new skills that I was learning and showed me the level I was at. This year I will be learning game development through Multimedia Development and I hope to be able to learn the make a good game that I can use as a template for later projects. 


  1. Hi Oisin, I really dig your introduction. I find your background to be interesting and informative. I love your doggies they are cute and aptly named for their backgrounds and appearances. I like the games you have chosen for your favorites and find these games myself to be very well produced and entertaining to play. Like you I enjoyed the web development module last year, but my favorite was probably photography. Great intro, well done

  2. Hola Oisin,
    Great blog ya got here, interesting to know how much you like Canada since i'll be going there in a few months to visit my sister who lives there. Also really cool to see you mention Halo Reach and Dark Souls 3 as some of your favorite games, 95% of my childhood was spent on Halo Reach and Dark Souls 3 is just a masterpiece.

    Very well put together intro overall and i'd give it a 10/10 for the Dogs and Alpaca alone. Keep up the sweet blogs.

  3. hey Oisin,
    I really enjoyed your blog sorry to hear that your visa for Canada i am sure it is a lovely place I do want to visit Canada in the future as I have heard many good things about it nice to see you have your future planned as most people do not like myself hahah I also love your dogs they are the cutest I am a huge animal person so keep showing us them gorgeous dogs.I do not play a lot of games but I have played halo before and can see why it is one of your favorite game anyway I enjoyed your blog and hope to read more about your life in Canada.
    -Jennifer :)

  4. Hi Oisin,
    Very interesting introduction, you seemed to have had a very busy childhood with all the moving. It's nice to see that you aspire to settle in Canada in the future after living there for a while, I've always loved Canada and I hope to move there for a year or two after college! Also, your goals of becoming a pilot: amazing! That sounds like a dream job, getting to travel the world and be paid for it!!!

    Oh and your dogs are so cute! Look forward to reading more.

    BLC Blogging

  5. Hello Oisin!
    I like your blog and especially your wonderful doggos.
    The only Halo game I've played in my lifetime was the very first Halo on the PC and unfortunately even then I wasn't able to finish it. When you mentioned Dark Souls, it reminded me that you might want to watch a video on Youtube by a guy called "The Act Man" who loved the first Dark Souls and talked about it in great detail. It's a decent video to watch on your free time.
    Since we're on the topic of games, have tried out DOOM or DOOM ETERNAL yet? I never got a console and really loved the game regardless. Try it out.

    Have a nice day!

    P.S. -Check the time I posted this comment. Yeah...

  6. Hi Oisin
    I loved reading your blog and really loved the gremlins reference in your dogs name .That movie was literally one of my childhood movies. I also never realised you lived in Canada so long I have always been curious what it is like over there . Maybe one day ill get to experience it who knows. Anyways just wanted to say love the content and am looking forward to more.

    P.S. I cant wait to play Borderlands 3 it looks sick!!!!

  7. Hey Oisin,
    Love your blog and I enjoyed reading this post in particular. I liked hearing your story about Canada, its not often that someone has lived in a different continent for so long. Also, I love your dogs.
    I also like FPS and I play console. Have you got the new COD?
    Hope you have a good day,

  8. Hey Oisín!
    Tat super awesome that you used to live in Canada, its such a pity that you had to come home from there. Hopeful youll be able to have your dream of moving back there.

    its so interesting that you want to be a pilot! That is something I would have never guessed about you. Hope web is stilling going well for you this year


  9. Hi Oisin
    I really enjoyed reading this blog and I thought it was a good way to get to know you. Candna seems like it’s a good place to live and there would be plenty of job opportunities there. I never played Halo since I only owned playsations so I never got the chance to play it. Good luck
    Jamie Gannon

  10. Hello Comrade Oisin,

    I really like your blog and thought it was very easy to read. Since were mates in real life, I knew you were from Canada and want to go back there. You went back over during the summer yeah ?

    I'm also knew you were Halo and Borderlands (Nice reference up there by the way).

    Can't wait to read your blog in the future !

    Y.I.S/Fellow Comrade,
    Sarah H

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi Oisín,

    I never knew you used to live in Canada but that is so cool. I think your dogs have cool names. That’s such a weird coincidence that Gizmo was born on the same day that you landed in Ireland. I also like to play video games in my spare time. I used to love playing the creative mode in Halo Reach when I was younger.

    I look forward to reading your future blogs!


  13. Hi Oisin,

    I learnt a lot of new things about you through your introduction! I didn't know you actually lived in Canada- I thought you were just strangely obsessed with the country. Makes sense now. Your doggies are very cute and Shadow actually mimics my own dog Milo a lot since he tends to follow us everywhere like a shadow. I used to play shooters a whole lot more when I was younger (especially Call of Duty) but as I've grown I've been playing more story based and RPG games. I find it very inspiring that you have your future planned out already- and wow! I never imagined you wanting to be a pilot but I hope you get there one day!

    All the best!
    - Kay

  14. Hey Oisin,

    It was cool to learn more about you through this post. I never knew that you lived in Canada, I've heard great things about it and I've always wanted to go there. I love your two dogs, they're so cute. I'm the same when it comes to music, will listen to nearly anything if its good and that song was really good. Great recommendation.

    -Casper :)

  15. Hey Oisin!
    That's so cool that you used to live in Canada. I really want to go there in the summer. I might head to Vancouver with my friends. Your dogs are gorgeous! I'm so jealous!! I think it's really cool that you want to be a pilot. Are you planning on going into any digital media career paths before hand?

    I really enjoyed getting to know so much about you. Best of luck with the rest of the semester.



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