Sunday, 29 September 2019

Technology Tools

Technology tools 

The tools used for this class consists so far of Unity 3D for the game development. My first impression of the Unity 3D software was that it was going to be impossible to keep track of everything I'm doing and at first I was incredibly confused and didn't know one panel from any of the others. My first look at Unity 3D reminded me of when I opened up more or less any of the other tools for other class that I had never used before all of which had more options to use in them then I knew how to use. I would like to get more familiar with Unity 3D so that I can focus on completing the assignment that requires me to us this tool. 

Screenshot of Unity Hub 

Friday, 27 September 2019

Time Management

Time Management 

For me the biggest problem when it comes to doing projects has got to be time management. I find time always escapes one way or the other however thanks to the internet you can find a bunch of different methods to try and improve your time management skills. One such site i found was How To Beat Procrastination by Caroline Webb. The biggest reason that this title caught my attention is because I am constantly procrastinating when it comes to work which is a huge problem because saying you'll do it in an hour turns into doing it tomorrow and you know what they say "tomorrow never comes". 


Assignments for the year 

This year I have already been given large assignments for the end of the year or semester. My website design module has asked  me to come up with a new design for the Parentline website, I feel comfortable enough about the assignment as I feel that I picked up HTML and CSS rather quickly. There is a group project that the year has to do in which all have to form groups of four and come up with a theme for our project and then we need to figure what format we want to use to do the project i.e. Video, Graphic Novel, Game etc. For our Multimedia Development module we have been told that we will be making a game through the use of Unity, this project sounds the most interesting to me as in my spare time I play a lot of video games and like the idea of being about to make my own.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset 

Image taken from YouTube as a screenshot with video title displayed 

Growth Mindset is the mindset that skill, knowledge and ability is something that can be enhanced through challenges. This concept of this mindset was proposed by Carol Dweck. While the tterm growth mindset sounds familiar to me I, until recently, knew very little if any thing at all about it. I discovered Carol Dweck and more information about Growth Mindset through the internet, more specifically through YouTube. In the video I found Carol Dweck was giving a TED talk regarding modern education. In regards to the growth mindset I would feel that I fall more into the growth mindset than I do the fixed mindset. For me I find than I'm more of a practical learner and feel I learn best by simply doing than studying. As I am a student the growth mindset is incredibly relevant to me as I am still learning new skills. In this particular semester I am looking forward to my multimedia development module as the subject covered in this module falls well in line with my personal interests. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Traffic Lights

 Traffic Light Exercise 

The Traffic Light Exercise asks you to explain how traffic lights work at a interstate in a flow chart, simplifying the task by state there are no pedestrian crossing lights and no filtering turn off point. I did this exercise in a pair and one thing that quickly became clear to us was that as much as we knew how traffic lights worked we weren't sure how to put that down in a flow chart. When it came to the solution we decided to take the problem from the prospective of the driver as they approached the lights. 

Photo taken by my group member Sarah 
While the solution we came up with wasn't inherently wrong it was not the solution that was requested.

Self Introduction

"So you want to hear a story?"

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Oisín Hanna, I was born on the 11th of November 2000. I moved to Canada when I was 5. I ended up living there for two years. While I lived in Canada I went to two different primary schools after moving a number of times. Unfortunately I had to move back to Ireland after my parents visas expired and wouldn't get renewed. After coming back to Ireland I ended up going to another two primary schools after having to move a whole lot more. Now I try to go back to Canada once every year and it's been work so far for the past 6 years. Eventually I hope to be able to save up enough to move back to Canada permanently. When I finally have enough to move to Canada I want to train to become a commercial pilot and travel the world. I have to dogs both are shih tzus their names are Gizmo and Shadow. Gizmo was born on the exact same day that we landed in Ireland on the 1st of February 2008, he got his name because when he was a puppy he looked like Gizmo the mogwai from Gremlins. Shadow ended up getting her name simply because of the habit that she quickly made of following Gizmo everywhere he went.

Gizmo (foreground) and Shadow (background) being stared at by a stuffed alpaca teddy bear.

In my spare time I like to play video games. I'm primarily a console gamer which means that most of the games I play are on the likes of the PlayStation or Xbox. The preferred genre of games that I play are shooters and hack and slash games such as Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed. My personal favorite shooter is hands down Halo Reach, with Borderlands being a close second, because you can customize your entire character how you want while the story shows a different side of the franchise. While Halo is my favorite shooter my favorite hack and slash is a toss up between Dark Souls III and Bloodborne, both of which are made by the same company Fromsoftware, I love these games because of the unique challenge that the games create were no one player will have the same experience from one boss fight to another. I did end up making a review of Dark Souls III you can see here.

Music wise I don't really have a favorite type of music, I'm the type to just like songs regardless of genre. When it comes to songs however while I do generally have a favorite song it's always subject to change as of writing up this post one of my favorite songs would probably have to be Lions Inside by Valley of Wolves.

I am currently a student in Technological University Dublin Blanchardstown campus. I am studying a Creative Digital Media course will (hopefully) last a total of 4 years. As of posting this I am in my second year of college. Last year I feel as though the best class for me was Web Development as at the beginning of last year i had no clue about HTML or CSS and by the end of it I felt relatively comfortable with the basics. The biggest accomplishment for me last year probably has to be making a basic web site as it let me use the new skills that I was learning and showed me the level I was at. This year I will be learning game development through Multimedia Development and I hope to be able to learn the make a good game that I can use as a template for later projects. 

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Favorite Game Review

Game Review: Dark Souls III 

Dark Souls III boot up screen 

Dark Souls III begins with your character being resurrected in a cemetery. Your character known as an Ashen One is a undead warrior of an unknown origin tasked with seeking out the four Lords of Cinder whose propose was to sacrifice their lives to rekindle the First Flame. Four of the five Lords abandoned their duty and failed to rekindle the First Flame causing the Ashen Ones to be brought back from the dead.

FireLink Shrine

Twin Princes Boss Fight


Dark Souls III is set in a fictional medieval fantasy world. The architecture throughout the world varies from the Catacombs of Carthus to the City of Anor Londo. 

Old Demon King Boss fight in the Catacombs of Carthus.


Gameplay in Dark Souls III is Challenging as there are a number of different style players can choose to use that best suits them. Some players may choose the standard sword and shield combo using the shield to block and absorb attacks and following up with a counter strike. Other player may choose a more evasive play style relying on their reactions to dodge and parry incoming attacks. These play styles tend to depend on the preferred weapon of each player. The weapons in Dark Souls III range from the small and fast daggers to the slow heavy hitting axes. All weapons styles can be further altered be their two handed attacks, while some weapons many have similar two handed attacks their are also a lot of weapons with unique attacks and combos.

Dark Souls III item menu.

(All images used in this post are my own and come from my own experience of the game. )

Blogger Test Post

Blogger Test Post 

Test de blogueur


I-Blogger Test Post

Bài kiểm tra Blogger

Chapisho la Mtihani wa Blogger

Postagem de teste do Blogger

I don't know what language all the others are in so just us translate to find out.

S2 Unity Tutorial 6

Animation  The tutorial for week six is all on animation. Animation being a big part of a lot of games is a very useful thing to know how...