Thursday, 27 February 2020

S2 Unity tutorial 5

Back on Track

So after changing from the VR tutorials to the basic Unity tutorials I finally got back on track with where we are meant to be in the tutorials for this week. This weeks tutorials were really helpful as it had us creating a projectile that moves forward from its relative to the why the object is facing. 

The other great part of the tutorial that I found helpful was on how to create a "Unit" spawner that could spawn what ever assets you had put into the array. The great thing about the array is that you can seem to have as many assets held within it to spawn as you want. The best part of the method used for the spawning assets was the way it could be easily changed to be 100% automatic.

Screenshot  of Prototype 2 tutorial

Thursday, 20 February 2020

S2 Unity tutorials 4

Unity tutorials 

So after hearing and seeing the "beginner" tutorials from Unity I decided to go back and start those in place of the VR tutorials. While the VR tutorials are interesting the beginner tutorials are far more useful as they go through basic game scripts. 

The main reason I changed the tutorials I was doing is because I decided to continue on with the game I started making in my last semester as my Multi Media Development project. One of the biggest problems I have when it comes to games development is the script mostly because when I first started the original tutorials I let a lot of the explaining of the scripts go over my head cause of how much other work I had to worry about. Having changed from doing the VR tutorials to the beginner tutorials I have fallen a little behind on the weekly tutorials but at the current pace I've been doing them I should be back on track soon enough. 

Tutorial 1 screenshot 

Thursday, 13 February 2020

S2 Unity Tutorial 2 + 3

VR Unity tutorials 

Second semester starting up and a new Multi Media Dev assignment. This time we were given a chose between some of the more basic unity tutorials and some VR tutorials. The basic tutorials were recommended to those of us who couldn't quite get a grasp on Unity in the last semester, the basic tutorials are Unity's own tutorials on making a game. The VR tutorials were suggested for those of us who enjoyed doing Unity in our last semester. I decided to take up the challenge of the VR tutorials since I'm not one to shy from a challenge given that I had dove into the deep end of the game dev project with the RTS. My initial impression of doing the VR tutorial was that it was going to be incredibly difficult to wrap my head around but having started them I pleasantly surprised with the tutorials. For the most part Unity's VR tutorials are easy to follow and understand some confusion may be caused by a differing layout of assets, folders and item locations. 

Screen shot of Unity VR titorial

S2 Unity Tutorial 6

Animation  The tutorial for week six is all on animation. Animation being a big part of a lot of games is a very useful thing to know how...